nj tax appeals.
One Comparable Not Enough

This recent case underscores the importance of not relying on the weight of a single comparable sale (in this case, the buyer’s),  and why a sampling of at least three “arms-length” comparable sales is always needed. There will always be a seller willing — for a million reasons — to sell his or her home […]

How to Avoid Unfair Property Taxes; Top 15 Highest Property Tax Counties (ABC News)

By SUSANNA KIM (@skimm) March 14, 2012 The battered real estate market has another side effect that often goes overlooked, consumer finance and tax experts say: Millions of homeowners are unknowingly paying too much property tax. According to the National Taxpayers Union, about 30 percent of properties in the U.S. are assessed at higher values […]

Income tax cut? Property tax is N.J.’s real problem (Star-Ledger)

Published: Thursday, February 23, 2012, 9:16 AMLetters to the Editor/The Star-Ledger By Letters to the Editor/The Star-LedgerFrom the headlines on the front page of The Star-Ledger on Feb. 22, it appears that, yet again, Gov.  Chris Christie is out of touch. The income tax is not the problem; the property tax is the problem.And as […]

Reassessing Property Taxes (by Alyssa Abkowitz)

The scene is all too familiar: A tax attorney in Weston, Fla., argues that his client’s home value has dropped 8 percent in the past year, making his $25,000 tax bill far too high. Just outside New York City, a homeowner recounts her frustration when an assessor wouldn’t explain why he valued her lake house […]

Montclair reassessment will impact all property values (Montclair Times)

BY LINDA MOSS All Montclair property owners can expect their property tax assessments to change following a reassessment that’s now in progress, some more than others, the company doing the work told the Township Council Tuesday night. Steven Rubenstein of Realty Appraisal Co., himself a  Montclair resident, did a presentation to the council at its […]

Tax Bill Appeals Take Rising Toll on Governments (NY Times)

By Jack Healy Published: July 4, 2009 Homeowners across the country are challenging their property tax bills in droves as the value of their homes drop, threatening local governments with another big drain on their budgets. The requests are coming in record numbers, from owners of $10 million estates and one-bedroom bungalows, from residents of […]

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