Fоr thе fіrѕt time іn 40 years, thе N.J. Division оf Taxation ѕауѕ it’s forcing towns tо bеgіn property tax revaluations bесаuѕе thеу hаvе bееn delinquent іn complying wіth state law. And thе state іѕ аlѕо investigating towns thаt hаvе gоnе аt lеаѕt 25 years wіthоut completing thе unpopular revaluation process, whісh соuld lead tо […]
By SUSANNA KIM (@skimm) March 14, 2012 The battered real estate market has another side effect that often goes overlooked, consumer finance and tax experts say: Millions of homeowners are unknowingly paying too much property tax. According to the National Taxpayers Union, about 30 percent of properties in the U.S. are assessed at higher values […]
Published: Thursday, February 23, 2012, 9:16 AMLetters to the Editor/The Star-Ledger By Letters to the Editor/The Star-LedgerFrom the headlines on the front page of The Star-Ledger on Feb. 22, it appears that, yet again, Gov. Chris Christie is out of touch. The income tax is not the problem; the property tax is the problem.And as […]
The scene is all too familiar: A tax attorney in Weston, Fla., argues that his client’s home value has dropped 8 percent in the past year, making his $25,000 tax bill far too high. Just outside New York City, a homeowner recounts her frustration when an assessor wouldn’t explain why he valued her lake house […]